Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Daily Post #23, or, I'm a Jogging Fool

Breakfast: Cereal, skim milk
Snack: Clif Bar
Lunch: Turkey Breast 6" sub from Subway (no cheese)
Dinner: Low sodium chili, salad

Exercise: 2 miles at track, 1.25 of it jogging (!!!)

My knees are going to be a big hot mess if I keep this up. I need to learn to stretch better or I'm going to hurt myself.

I feel better jogging than I do walking because my knees are all wonky and sore. I can't tell if this is normal workout pain or something I should be concerned about.

Got a membership at the local Planet Fitness today since it'll be full on winter before I know it and the track and cemetery won't be accessable. I'm a little grumpy about having to pay for a gym membership when there's a perfectly good street outside, but the winter in Maine is no time to be playing in the streets.

I bought a 14/16 sweater today. Probably some kind of fluke, but I'll take it. I tried on a pair of 20 pants at Lane Bryant and couldn't get them past my thighs. I wasn't too broken up about it though since I was wearing size 20 jeans while I was shopping.

My cute dress for Christmas came in and...it fits. It's only a little lumpy in the rear, but once I get the right underwear it'll look sassy and awesome. If there was an award for best dressed at a family function, I would consider myself a contender for the grand prize.

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