Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Daily Post #16

This is redundant, sure, but I sort of look forward to it every day. It's keeping me accountable.

Breakfast: Slimfast
Snack: Kashi bar (140 cals)
Lunch: 1/2 Can of tuna, 1/2 tbsp mayo, 1/2 tbsp relish
Snack: 3 Pepperoncinis (5 cals)
Dinner: Salad with Caesar dressing on the side

Exercise: 2 milewalk/jog at the cemetary. It kicked my ass. Two miles at once is hard for me, but in a hilly environment, it's really rough.

ETA: After a very boring 3 hour class, I needed to move around a little. The Sister and I went for a 1.25 mile jaunt. I jogged .25 of it without stopping, plus a little more in intervals.

I got a spiffy new watch today at Walmart as I needed something with a stop-watch feature so I could track how long I'm out there pounding the pavement. It's pink and sleek and lights up for those dark dreary days when I'm out dragging my big ass around a track (today).

Found out I'm going on a mini-trip with the sister and mom on Thursday and I'm interested to see how that goes when it comes to food and exercise. Will I bite the bullet and go for a walk/jog in an unfamiliar place with the chance of being seen by people who aren't buried six feet under the ground? Will I be able to handle the possibility of eating several meals in a restraraunt? I'm up for the challenge. I mean, it's not like I'm going to stop my life just because I'm eating better and moving my self around a little more. Isn't that supposed to be the point of all this? Living healthier?


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