Saturday, November 11, 2006

Daily Post # 13, or, The Scale Rules All

Weight: 244.8 (no change, but I'm expecting my TOTM any second now.)

Breakfast: Slimfast
Lunch: Fiesta Soup!
Snack: Fruit cup
Dinner: Hot & Sour Soup, Steamed veggies, 1/2 C white rice, 1 spare rib, half a spring roll.

Exercise: 1 mile walk this morning, 1 mile walk/jog tonight

I'm not going to lie, seeing the scale not move at all this morning was a little disheartening. I know it shouldn't be because "the scale is just a number" and all that but... it means something to me. Its sort of a validation of my aching muscles.

While I don't want to do this, I think I'm going to stop looking at the scale every morning and only check it once a week. If I feel good for losing .2 pounds a day imagine how great it'll feel when I step on the scale at the end of the week and it says I've lost 3, 4, 5 pounds?

The only thing I'm worried about is that I sort of use the scale to tell me how things are going. It lets me know how my body digests things, if I'm holding on to some water, what exercise can do. Every change I make in my lifestyle becomes reflected in the number. If it doesn't say what I want it to, then I know I need to alter some area in my life.

I know this makes it sound like The Scale Rules All but right now I'm enjoying it as a tiny little compass. Why do I make decisions based on it? Because my scale can tell me whether I'm obese or not, or whether I'm just overweight, or maybe right on target. There are days where I wish those bright red numbers meant nothing to me, but they do.

So weekly weigh ins? I'll give it a shot. I'm perfectly happy about saying no to food temptations, but the temptation to weigh may be even harder to resist.


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