Thursday, January 04, 2007

The 'Fridge Challenge

The folks over at the challenge are all posting pictures of the insides of their refrigerators, and I finally got around to snapping some shots of mine. There isn't ever much in my fridge since I live alone and don't work. I only buy what I need and I only shop when I'm completely out of things to eat. It's the college student way!

The Sad Insides

On the top shelf we've got my tiny jug of milk. I'm not a big milk drinker, but I do have some with my cereal in the morning. Next to that, some margarine and fat free cottage cheese. Next we have some fresh veggies made into a salad, some carrots, a bag of green grapes, low fat cheese, and some celery.

Second shelf is my party shelf! Light cranberry juice, a bottle of Midori, a lot of really bad beer, and some super cheap vodka (all stuff left over from a New Years party). I hardly ever drink so that stuff will be there forever. I have some soy eggnog left over from the holidays (I've only had one glass of it. It probably isn't good anymore.) and an orange juice container that I use to keep cold water on hand.

The bottom shelf has more salad and a sad little sweet potato, just waiting to be eaten. No picture of what's in the bottom drawer since it's empty.

Door O' Condiments

In the door I have your general condiments; mustard, ketchup, bbq sauce, and a few different salad dressings. The top shelf also has a big jar of sour pickles - my secret weapon for killing cravings.

The bottom shelf has salsa, pepperoncinis, more salad dressing, an open can of soup, and a huge bottle of aloe for all my cuts and burns. I'm sickeningly white so I sizzle like bacon in the summer, so yes, all that aloe is neccesary :)

Freezer of a Single Girl

In the freezer I have very little. Next to the (empty) ice cube trays is some frozen yogurt (B&J's Cherry Garcia - I don't really like it), and chicken from the meat counter. Next to that are bags of frozen veggies (broccoli, mixed, and butternut squash). To the far right is a whole chicken that was on sale at the store for two dollars (score!) that I'll use to make soup or add to a salad, and about a bajillion freeze pops left over from this summer. No picture of the door, since there's nothing in it.

I just realized the alcohol to food ratio in my fridge is kind of whacked. I swear it's not always like that!

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At 3:54 PM , Blogger jeannie* said...

I will say that your alcohol to food ratio is pretty funny. But overall, even though it may look empty you've got lots of healthy stuff in there!! Nice work!!

At 4:17 PM , Blogger Elaniom said...

You're a college student!! We know that stuffs gonna be there!! Hey, at least you do have lots of veggies and stuff to kinda level it out some!!

At 4:28 PM , Blogger jeannie* said...

I hope you dont mind, but I kind of stole youre stats chart to the right! I've been meaning to figure out how to do one for a while, and then saw yours....

Hopefully you dont mind :) And if you do just tell me to figure out my own damn chart! teehee.

At 7:51 PM , Blogger WeightWatchnWoman said...

I am impressed that a college student would have anything healthy in their refrigerator. When I as in college, all I had was soda because I ate out so much.

Great job on storing the healthy foods there.

TEE :}


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