Saturday, December 30, 2006

Daily Post #60

Calories in: 1220
Calories out: 3350
Difference: 2120

Tomorrow is New Year Eve, a holiday that is marked, in my mind, as a holiday for getting smashingly drunk and counting backwards. I know alcohol is pretty awful as far as calories go, so I'm kind of tentative about how to handle the situation. My friends, when given a good opportunity, are quick and happy drinkers and I'd like to join in on the fun. I'm afraid I'll be too calorie-concious to enjoy the night.

So what is the compromise? Do I eat very little during the day so I can drink all night? Or do I eat normal and drink normal and end up far less intoxicated than my guests? I know that option number two is the "mature" thing to do, but dammit I'm twenty years old!

- - - -

Yesterday the sister and I took my end of the month progress photo. We had taken pictures several months ago in an attempt to kick-start a diet, but it never worked, and when I started this whole thing we used that photo as a "Before" and now take a picture near the first of every month.

Taking this picture is absolute horror to me. I hate looking at the old picture of myself almost as much as I despise looking at the new ones. While I am smaller in the most recent photo, I still feel like such a huge mass of person. I try and keep it in perspective that it's only been two months, and this should be motivation to keep going, but seeing how big I am in an undeniable format just depresses me. I know in 6 months I'll be glad I have the photos, but right now it's such a downer.

Also, my family is all over seeing these pictures. It weirds me out. And everyone knowing that I'm taking these pictures makes me terrified of failing and having to explain to people what went wrong. Maybe this is what The Biggest Loser contestants feel like. With the whole world watching, it's pretty hard to let them all down.

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At 11:16 PM , Blogger Michelle @ The 2007 Challenge said...

Ummm ... if you're twenty, you shouldn't be drinking :) Hehehe!

Thanks for joining our challenge! I'm taking weekly faceshots and monthly body shots too. Terrifying, but I keep telling myself after a year of them, it'll be pretty cool. And yes - having gone through an extreme makeover, and now having to go back for my one year anniversary of the makeover, it's pretty nervewracking to know that everyone will be watching me and I can't let them down at the reveal by showing up the same or bigger than a year ago! Keep up the great work!

At 2:26 PM , Blogger Cory said...

Try not to be depressed by the pictures. And if it bothers you too much to look at them, just don't look right now. Take them, and put them in a box for later. And just think, you have lost 30 pounds. That is amazing.
And never worry about explaining yourself to someone else. You've accomplished enough already that you have nothing to explain to anyone.

And thanks for joining the challenge. It's exciting to have people to go into this year with.

At 9:29 PM , Blogger Sha-Dizzle said...

you'll be glad you have those pictures 6 months from now.


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