Thursday, December 28, 2006

Daily Post #57, 58

Calories in: 795
Calories out: 6366
Difference: 5621

Before I get a call from the eating disorder police, let me explain my wacked out caloric intake of the last few days.

Yesterday morning I ate my usual mini-wheats with skim milk and about an hour afterward threw it all up. I spent the rest of the day sleeping, making occasional trips to the bathroom to throw up. After sleeping for most of the day I felt much better and decided to meet my sister at the gym. Bad idea. I worked out for about 30 minutes before I got tunnel vision and almost passed out. I chalked the day up to drinking some bad milk since that was all I was able to eat all day.

This morning I felt 100 times better, ate my breakfast as usual (sans milk) and was feeling pretty good. I hit the gym this morning and got in 60 minutes of cardio before my stomache started cramping up. Drove over to my parents to pick up some bills and was there for no more then five minutes when I started getting dizzy again. My vision went dark, my stomach lurched, and I rushed to the bathroom. My poor mom made me some tea and soup, neither of which I was able to eat before I decided to get home before I got any worse.

Since then I'm been laying on my couch watching episode after episode of Bridezillas. I've managed to get down a few saltines and have every intention of attempting to eat some soup later on. The thought of eating makes me want to throw up, but I know I need to eat since I haven't had a good meal in almost 2 days.

Ahh, why is it I always seem to get sick on my vacations?



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