Saturday, November 04, 2006


Thi is going to be the most pathetic post ever. Ever. Ready?

I miss food. I do. It's been less than a week and I'm already missing the thrill of a tasty bag of chips, or crackers. I miss meat. Last night I fell asleep thinking about BBQ Lays Chips and Pepperoni & Sausage Pizza (because apparently I have the cravings and appetite of a fraternity brother). My mouth was literally watering! What is that!?

Luckily I was just about asleep so it wasn't a situation where I was about to go order a pizza and sit in bed waiting for it (oh man, wouldn't THAT be a fat moment). But what if this happens at two in the afternoon? Am I going to be strong enough to say no and drink a huge glass of water to curb the hunger?

Is it even hunger that I'm feeling when I crave these foods? Is it my body missing the fats and oils? Is my body addicted to these foods even though my mind knows they are bad for me? I'm starting to believe it is. If I didn't know better I'd say my body would be perfectly happy eating pizza everyday, completey oblivious of it's size and cozy in it's warm lardy coat. But my head says no because "Won't clothes shopping with a tiny body be more fun than eating fried chicken all by yourself?" It probably will.

These cravings have actually led me to think about doing some sort of "eat next-to-nothing but wicked healthy when alone but eat normal amounts of whatever everyone else is eating when with others". The restrictive non-restrictive diet. I don't know. I'm trying to work out what works for me.


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